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From 19 to 24 September in the "Riviera Club. Hotel & SPA" (Anapa) took place the regular annual forum of the project "Black Sea Oil and Gas Conferences" – the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Construction and repair of wells – 2016".
The event was held with the official support of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Krasnodar Region, the Krasnodar Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Russian Gas Society.
Information support was provided by leading industry publications and Internet resources.
The forum was attended by representatives of leading oil and gas producing companies, service companies, research and design institutes, universities, manufacturers of products for the oil and gas industry: Rosneft, Surgutneftegas, Bashneft, Gazprom Neft PJSC, LLC LUKOIL-Engineering, Schlumberger, VolgogradNIPIneft, Modem Ltd., INK-Service, Packer Service LLC, ZERS Company, AKROS, BITTEKHNIKA LLC, BURINTEKH Ltd, ChelPipe Company, Redaelli SSM and many others.
All reports sounded at the conference aroused genuine interest of the participants and were actively discussed not only in the working sessions, but also after their termination.
One of the key events of the conference was a round table on the topic "Import substitution in the oil and gas industry. Reality and Prospects", moderated by General Director of Nitpo LLC V.M. Stroganov and Production Development Manager of Technological Company Schlumberger LLC S.I. Schipakov.
After the end of the working sessions, participants were given the opportunity to communicate in an informal atmosphere. To this end, the organizers developed a special program, including a banquet and sports tournaments in mini-football, bowling, billiards, and fast chess.
The reports presented at the forum will be published in the Conference Proceedings and a special issue of the journal "Oil. Gas. Novation", dedicated to the past event.

On September 22, the 3rd session of the working meetings of the conference "Construction and repair of wells - 2016" took place. Presentations were made by delegates from AKROS (S.V. Popov), LLC Packer Service (S.Y. Boronin), ChelPipe (A.E. Antoshchenkov), Pro-Bezopasnost (D.P. Budakvenko) and others.
The most active participant of the 3rd working session was Oksana Ivanovna Valineva, Head of the Laboratory of Drilling and Cement Solutions of BashNIPIneft.
One of the key events of the third day of the conference was a round table on the topic "Import substitution in the oil and gas industry. Reality and Perspectives", moderators: Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Stroganov (General Director of Nitpo Company) and Sergey Ilyich Shchipakov (Production Development Manager, Schlumberger Technology Company). Vladimir Kalinin (First Deputy General Director of VolgogradNIPIneft), Irina Olegovna Donskaya (Regional sales manager Ashland Eastern Markets LLC), Damir Razvilevich Nagimov (Technical Director of Carbocam Company), Sergei Viktorovich Popov (Head of Technological Service of AKROS LLC), Valery Petrovich Palchunov (CEO of Modem Ltd.) and other participants took an active part in the discussion of this very topical issue for the domestic oil and gas industry.

On September 21, the 2nd session of the working sessions of the conference "Construction and repair of wells - 2016" took place, within the framework of which the issues of equipment for multi-stage hydraulic fracturing with the possibility of subsequent port closures, experience in conducting supervision over the construction of sidetracks at the Perm region, experimental work to improve the quality of secondary opening of reservoirs and many others.
Presentations were made by delegates from ZERC (A.F. Stykhar), Yugson-Service (A.M. Kireev), BITTEHNIKA (E.F. Soloviev), LUKOIL-Engineering (I.R. Vasilenko), Perfobur (A.A. Maltsev), ChelPipe (A.E. Antoshchenkov) and others. Three reports were presented by the delegates of the Institute of Oil, Gas and Energy of the Kuban State Technological University (V.V. Klimov, D.S. Panzarnikov, I.S. Matveeva). All the reports have caused genuine interest among the participants of the conference and discussed actively in the framework of the working meetings and during breaks at coffee breaks.