Certificate № 2004610086
Drill work
Rights holder: Modem Ltd. (RU)
Authors: Sudakov Sergey Nikolaevich, Trokhov Anatoly Vasilyevich, Shibeko Viktor Nikolaevich, Leginov Anton Leonidovich, Mosko Sergey Nikolaevich, Kyunov Alexander Ludwigovich, Korolev Igor Valerevich, Koshcheeva Tatyana Mikhailovna (BY)

Certificate № 2011616841
Statistical processing of the systematized data of the drilling control station ("AMT-STAT")
Rights holder: Modem Ltd. (RU)
Authors: Babitsky Sergey Leonardovich, Palchunov Alexey Valerievich, Shibeko Viktor Nikolaevich (BY), Titov Nikolay Nikolaevich (RU)
Registration: Moscow, September 2, 2011

Certificate № C-0116-01-2016
Automated Information System "Non-current assets (IFRS)"
Name of the information system: Automated Information System "Non-current assets (IFRS)"
Collector of the information system: Modem Ltd.
Owner of the information system: Modem Ltd.
Registration object: Creation of an information system
Date of state registration:
September 22, 2016

Certificate № C-0117-01-2016
Automated Information System "The technologist of normative-reference information"
Name of the information system: Automated Information System "The technologist of normative-reference information"
Collector of the information system: Modem Ltd.
Owner of the information system: Modem Ltd.
Registration object: Creation of an information system
Date of state registration:
September 22, 2016

Certificate ST.RU.0001.P398345-1
Certificate of auditor conformity
№ ST.RU.0001.P398345-1
Modem Ltd.
Legal address: 246004, Gomel, 15 Kosmonavtov Avenue, room 18
Actual address: 247038, Gomel, 182 Rechitskiy Avenue
Panteleev Sergey Ivanovich
Date of issue: 22.09.2016
Validity: 21.09.2019
GOST ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015)

Certificate ST.RU.0001.P398345-2
Certificate of auditor conformity
№ ST.RU.0001.P398345-2
Modem Ltd.
Legal address: 246004, Gomel, 15 Kosmonavtov Avenue, room 18
Actual address: 247038, Gomel, 182 Rechitskiy Avenue
Rogacheva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Date of issue: 22.09.2016
Validity: 21.09.2019
GOST ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015)

6th International Specialized Exhibition "Perspective Technologies and Systems"
Modem Ltd.
took 3rd place in the nomination "Comprehensive integrated business management systems" of the 2nd national contest of the best Belarusian software "BEST SOFT" 2004
General director of the National Exhibition Centre "BelExpo" - A.I. Lazuko
November 12, 2004

Diploma of the laureate of the Belarusian contest of software products for accounting purposes
ACS "Modem", presented by Modem Ltd., was recognized as a laureate of the contest in the nomination "Corporate Systems" for developments in the field of automation of accounting for production costs and an integrated approach for the automation of enterprise management systems.
Belarusian Association of Accountants, Belarusian State Economic University, Department of Accounting and Reporting Methodology of the Ministry of Finance